Kerchiefs and Quiet Places: Take 2!

This was originally posted on October 27, 2019. When I updated my Squarespace account earlier this year I was unable to transfer it automatically, along with the other posts I had created. I am adding it today as I was balling some handspun last night that I have used this morning to cast on the free patten included within this post. It is a cozy misty, gray day here in Kodiak. Perfect for knitting and remembering. So without further delay, we resume our previously published post, free pattern, and video too…

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Today on our podcast adventure, we sit in the woods with lake and ocean behind us. It is a pretty amazing combination to have both at your back. The place where we sit together is a special spot off the actual trail, nestled amongst vibrant green moss that covers earth and rocks. It is quiet and still in this particular spot unless of course, you consider Sasha. Actually that isn’t a fair assessment. Sasha is very well behaved and I love having her keep me company.

In the podcast, I mention the kerchief I am wearing. Below I share a little about it, as well as the free pattern if you’d like to knit one. If you’d like to watch HEAD HERE!

My Babcia, what a thrifty grandmother she was! She had a corner of her house where little scraps of things turned magically into just what you needed.

Having grown up in a time where everything was in short supply except, as she always said, “hunger and drafts”—those were two things there was always more than you wanted!

Hunger & Drafts...
two things you always have
more than you need!

Babcia had a way of not only making leftovers brilliant, but that woman could take the worst of hair days, shake the wrinkles off a kerchief or remnant of material and tie her hair up in a way that made me wonder why I didn’t always see her as a spirited, lovely woman…instead of simply my grandmother.

I inherited her wiry, curly hair. But those kerchiefs give me a headache! It’s that blasted knot at the back of my head and neck that does it. So I started thinking like Babcia…and improvising using the remaining pieces of yarn from other knitted projects, I devised a way to honor her resourceful nature and create a kerchief I could stylishly wear. You can use whatever leftovers you have on hand. This kerchief doesn’t take much. But it uses perfectly good remaining yardage and makes my neck feel good and my hair looks tidy while wearing it, even if I wear it off of center, which I do actually prefer!

An added bonus: these make awesome gifts for friends and work up fast!

Babcia would be proud of us both. Download the pattern below.

Babcia’s Corner Pattern

If you enjoyed the podcast I would be grateful if you’d subscribe! Maybe a friend would enjoy a free pattern or spending 15 minutes in Alaska? You can share the link to this post wherever you want.

Looking forward to connecting with you in the comments below!



I Peaked


3 socks in the wind & a giveaway